Will blockchain “destroy” human trust?

Dave Schools
5 min readNov 6, 2017

First of all, I’ve been observing blockchain from the fringe for a couple years but recently opened up both arms and swan-dived in.

Second, I just watched this keynote presentation at Microsoft’s CXO Summit 2017 by Never Stop Marketing founder Jeremy Epstein.

In the video, he explains the profound implications of blockchain on essentially every major industry across the world. He says blockchain is following the same emerging patterns as the advent of the internet, social media, and mobile.

One of the things I appreciated about his talk was the honesty. He gave three reasons why blockchain isn’t working (for now), including immature technology, the lack of proven performance at scale, and standardization. It seems most other blockchain criers can’t say enough positive things about it, as if it’s a new world religion that finally unites humanity. Epstein’s passionate but nontechnical presentation was balanced, I found.

I highly recommend Epstein’s talk for anyone seeking to learn about the implications of blockchain, but not if you’re trying to learn the technicalities of how it works.

Here’s what I’m grappling with.

If blockchain codifies human…



Dave Schools

#2/VP Growth at Hopin. Bylines in CNBC, BI, Inc., Trends, Axios. Founder of Entrepreneurship Handbook (230k followers). Cofounder of Party Qs app. Dad of 3.